Identification of the Four Rivers.

The Midrash (Gen. R. xvi. 7) identifies the "four heads" of the rivers with Babylon (Pison), Medo-Persia (Gihon), Greece (Hiddekel), Edom-Rome (Perat), and regards Havilah as Palestine. The Targum Yerushalmi translates "Havilah" by "Hindiki" ("Hindustan," or India), and leaves "Pison" untranslated. Saadia Gaon, in his Arabic translation, renders "Pison" the Nile, which Ibn Ezra ridicules, as "it is positively known that Eden is farther south, on the equator." Naḥmanides coincides in this view, but explains that the Pison may run in a subterranean passage from the equator northward. Obadiah of Bertinoro, the commentator of the Mishnah, in a letter describing his travels from Italy to Jerusalem in 1489, relates the story of Jews arriving at Jerusalem from "Aden, the land where the well-known and famous Gan Eden is situated, which is southeast of Assyria." Jacob Safir, who visited Aden in 1865, describes it in his "Eben Sappir" (ii.3) as sandy and barren, and can not posssibly indorse the idea of connecting Aden with the Eden of Genesis. The opinions of the most eminent Jewish authorities point to the location of Eden in Arabia. The "four heads" or mouths of the rivers(= seas) are probably the Persian Gulf (east), the Gulf of Aden (south), the Caspian Sea (north), and the Red Sea (west). The first river, Pison, probably refers to the Indus, which encircles Hindustan, confirming the Targum Yerushalmi. The second river, Gihon, is the Nile in its circuitous course around Ethiopia, connecting with the Gulf of Aden. The third river, Hiddekel, is the Tigris, which has its course in the front () of Assur (= Persia), speaking from the writer's point of view in Palestine. Some explain the difficulty of finding the courses of the rivers by supposing that since the Deluge these rivers have either ceased to exist, entirely or in part, or have found subterranean outlets. Indeed, the compiler of the Midrash ha-Gadol expresses himself as follows: "Eden is a certain place on earth, but no creature knows where it is, and the Holy One, blessed be He! will only reveal to Israel the way to it in the days of the king Messiah" (Midr. ha-Gadol, ed. Schechter, col. 75).
Identifikasi Empat Sungai.

Midrash (Jenderal R. xvi. 7) mengidentifikasi "empat kepala" sungai dengan Babel (Pison), Medo-Persia (Gihon), Yunani (Hiddekel), Edom-Roma (Perat), dan menganggap Havilah sebagai Palestina. . Targum Yerushalmi menerjemahkan "Havilah" oleh "Hindiki" ("Hindustan," atau India), dan membiarkan "Pison" tidak diterjemahkan. Saadia Gaon, dalam terjemahan bahasa Arabnya, menerjemahkan "Pison" the Nile, yang diolok-olok Ibn Ezra, sebagai "diketahui secara positif bahwa Eden lebih jauh ke selatan, di garis katulistiwa." Naḥmanides bertepatan dalam pandangan ini, tetapi menjelaskan bahwa Pison dapat berjalan di bagian bawah tanah dari garis khatulistiwa ke utara. Obaja dari Bertinoro, komentator Mishnah, dalam sebuah surat yang menggambarkan perjalanannya dari Italia ke Yerusalem pada tahun 1489, menceritakan kisah orang-orang Yahudi yang tiba di Yerusalem dari "Aden,) dari Assur (= Persia), berbicara dari sudut pandang penulis di Palestina. Beberapa orang menjelaskan sulitnya menemukan jalur sungai dengan mengandaikan bahwa sejak Air Bah, sungai-sungai ini sudah tidak ada lagi, seluruhnya atau sebagian, atau telah menemukan outlet bawah tanah. Memang, penyusun Midrash ha-Gadol mengekspresikan dirinya sebagai berikut: "Eden adalah tempat tertentu di bumi, tetapi tidak ada makhluk yang tahu di mana itu, dan Yang Mahakudus, diberkati menjadi Dia! Hanya akan mengungkapkan kepada Israel jalan ke sana. pada zaman raja Mesias "(Midr. ha-Gadol, ed. Schechter, col. 75).



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