5 Boarding Schools in East Java

Islamic boarding schools are traditional Islamic education in Indonesia, where students live together and study under the guidance of a teacher who is known as a kiai and has a dormitory to be inhabited by Santri students in a complex that also provides mosques for worship, study rooms and more. religious activities. This complex is usually surrounded by walls to be able to supervise the entry and exit of santri in accordance with applicable regulations. Islamic boarding schools are two terms that show one understanding. Islamic boarding schools according to their basic understanding are student learning places, while huts means simple houses or residences made of bamboo. In addition, the word pondok may be from Funduq Arabic which means a hostel or hotel. On Java, including Sunda and Madura, the term dormitory and boarding school are generally used, while in Aceh it is known as dayah or rangkang or menuasa, while in Minangkabau it is called surau. Islamic boarding schools can also be understood as religious and educational institutions, generally non-classical, where kiai teach Islam to students based on books written in Arabic by medieval Ulama, and santri usually live in huts (dormitories) in boarding schools

The large Islamic boarding schools in East Java are:

Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School is one of the largest Islamic boarding schools in Jombang, East Java. This boarding school was founded by KH. Hasyim Asy'ari in 1899. In addition to subject matter on Islamic religious knowledge, shari'a science, and Arabic, general subjects were also included in the structure of his teaching curriculum. Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School has contributed a lot and contributed to the wider community, especially in the world of Islamic education in Indonesia.

Caption : Tebu  Ireng Islamic Boarding School (local guide Hade Saqi)

2. Hidayatul Mubtadiin Islamic Boarding School

The Hidayatul Mubtadiin Islamic Boarding School is located in Lirboyo-Kediri Village, which was founded by KH. Abdul Karim in 1910. He was a resident of Magelang who was also a college colleague KH. Hasyim Asy'ari (founder of the Tebu Ireng Islamic Boarding School) at the asukah Islamic boarding school in KH. Kholis, Bangkalan. The Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School has a total of 13 thousand santri and santri. They come from Kalimantan, Java, Aceh, Malaysia and Thailand. At present, the third generation of boarding schools is KH. A.Idris Marzuqi, KH. Moh. Anwar Manshur, and KH. Abdullah Kafabihi Mahrus. This boarding school stands on an area of 30 hectares, with 400 rooms, and 90 rooms for various academic activities. All book based lessons in Arabic or yellow book.

Caption : Liroboyo Islamic Boarding School (local guide Medi Asadli)

Sidogiri village was cleared by a Sayyid from Cirebon, West Java named Sayyid Sulaiman. He is a descendant of the Prophet from the clan Basyaiban. His father, Sayyid Abdurrahman bin Muhammad bin 'Umar Basyaiban al' Alawi who came from Qosam Hadhramaut, was a migrant from the country of guardians, Tarim, Hadramaut, Yemen. While his mother, Syarifah Khodijah, is the daughter of the Sultan of Cirebon Descendants of Sunan Gunung Jati. Thus, from the maternal line, Sayyid Sulaiman is a relative of the descendants of Sunan Gunung Jati.

Sayyid Sulaiman opened and established a boarding school in Sidogiri assisted by Kiai Aminullah. Kiai Aminullah is a santri and son-in-law of Sayyid Sulaiman from Bawean Island. It is said that the demolition of Sidogiri was carried out for 40 days. At that time Sidogiri was still a wilderness that was untouched by humans and inhabited by many spirits. The jungle of the Sidogiri wilderness was chosen to be opened and made a boarding school because it was believed that the land was good and diverse.

There are two versions of the year of the establishment of the Sidogiri Islamic Boarding School, namely 1718 or 1745. In a note written by Panca Warga 1963 it was stated that the Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri was established in 1718. The note was signed by Almaghfurlahum KH. Noerhasan Nawawie, KH. Cholil Nawawie, and K. A. Sa'doellah Nawawie on October 29, 1963.

Caption : Sidogiri Islamic Boarding School (localguide Pondok Pesantren)

Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor Ponorogo (PMDG) or better known as Pondok Modern Gontor is one of the Islamic boarding schools located in Ponorogo Regency, East Java. This pesantren is famous for the application of discipline, mastery of foreign languages (Arabic and English), regeneration and a very strong alumni network. Since its founding in 1926, Gontor is an educational institution that is not bound by any political organization and social organization

Caption Gontor Islamic Boarding School (local guide Winarno Abdullah)
Its history, the AL-AMIEN PRENDUAN boarding school cannot be separated from the history of the development of Islam in Prenduan itself. Because Kiai Chotib (the grandfather of the present caregivers) who started the business of building an Islamic education institution in Prenduan, was also a Kiai developing Islam in Prenduan. The effort to build the bull was actually a continuation of his sister-in-law's business, Kiai Syarqowi, who moved to Guluk-guluk after about 14 years of fostering the Prenduan community in order to fulfill the mandate of his friend, Kiai Gemma who died in Mecca.
Before leaving Prenduan to move to Guluk-guluk, Kiai Syarqowi asked Kiai Chotib to replace him guiding the Prenduan community, after previously marrying him to one of Prenduan's original daughters named Aisyah, or better known later with Nyai Robbani. Kiai Chotib gladly accepted the mandate.
A few years later, around the beginning of the 20th century, Kiai Chotib began pioneering the pesantren by establishing a small Langgar known as Congkop. Congkop Islamic Boarding School, that's how the community knows about this educational institution, because the building that was first established in the pesantren is a Congkop-shaped building (a Joglo-like square building). The building stands on arid and narrow arid land surrounded by burial grounds and shrubs, approximately 200 meters from the langgar founded by Kiai Syarqowi

Caption : Al Amein Islamic Boarding School (local guide Hairul Fuad)



5 Oldest Islamic Boarding Schools in Java

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