5 Warteg special menus, need to be tasted
Caption : 5 Warteg Menus in GIF Warteg as a small restaurant that is mushrooming in Jakarta and its surroundings, has been known as folk food, warteg provides special food that is very appetizing, especially for all food lovers. The menu available at small food stalls is not inferior to the taste in quality food and sold at high prices. Varied food on the warteg uses spices that have been seasoned well, making them addicted and wanting to add more. This food will not be boring for culinary lovers, because it is a favorite and a recommendation in food selection. Some foods may not suit everyone's mouth, but sometimes food in small food stalls can be accepted by everyone because the right ingredients are combined with rice as the main carbohydrate. Some of these foods are served on the warteg and are a favorite for many people, and maybe you are one of them. Come on, here are 5 special warteg menus that need to be tasted at warteg-warteg in Jakarta 1. Orek Tempe/Fermented ...