More than 10 warteg below are found on Google maps in Bekasi City

More than 10 warteg below are found on Google maps in Bekasi City

Warteg Warmo

Warteg or also called Warung Tegal is one type of gastronomic business that provides food and drinks at affordable prices. Also commonly abbreviated as Warteg, this name seems to have become a generic term for middle-class food stalls on the roadside, both those in the city of Tegal and elsewhere, both those managed by people from Tegal and from other regions. Warung Tegal was initially managed by many people from two villages in Tegal Regency and one village in Tegal City, namely the villagers of Sidapurna, Sidakaton, Dukuhturi District, Tegal Regency & Krandon District. They manage tegal stalls in turns (between families in one family bond) every 3 to 4 months. Those who don't have the turn to manage the stalls usually farm in their hometowns.

More than 10 warteg below are found on Google maps in Bekasi City



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